
Go to Availability tab, and click Setup Availability Calendar.

This will take you to the Calendar tab where you will set up your default availability schedule. Follow the prompts provided.

Select the relevant time and days that you would like to have available for clients to book appointments. Once you are happy that everything is correct, click Save.

Assessment Services Calendar

If you offer diagnostic assessment services, you may want to set up a separate service-specific calendar.

Go to Availability | Manage Availability tab and select Add Availability. Set the times and days and then scroll to the bottom of the page to select the codes that will be associated with those time slots. When a client books the assessment, they will only be able to book from this calendar.

Go to the Manage Availability tab and click Add Availability

Set the times that you are available for a specific service.

Modifying Time Slots

If you want to block out a specific time due to other commitments, etc. you can manage this from the Time Slots tab.

If you want to alter one instance, click Manage This Item. Make the changes and click Save.

If you want to make a specific time unavailable, click Block Out. You will need to un-check the Bookable button, then click Save.

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